
M9 Beretta

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M9 Beretta

4 ratings

M9 Beretta by AboveSpirit#0001 

This is a weapon model I created using Maya, Zbrush and textured in Substance Painter, be sure to credit me if you are using this model for commercial use, if you do not have proof of purchase and are found with this model and are misusing the asset you will be subjected to DMCA. 


  • 10 Texture Maps
  • 1k and 2k Maps


  • 25k tris total


By purchasing this item, you agree to adhere to and follow the terms of service. 

Under no circumstances may you redistribute this item.

Failure to adhere to terms of service will result in fines and legal action. You may be asked to cease and remove as well. 

The copyright in a work initially belongs to the author(s) who created that work. Copyright exists automatically in an original work of authorship once it is fixed in a tangible medium. 

This 3D asset is protected by Copyright Law, illegal distribution, and failure to abide by the given Terms of Service of the said asset can be subjected to fines between $200 to $150,000, infringer pays actual dollar amount of damages and profits made by said stolen asset, the infringer will pay all attorney fees and court costs, illegal iterations of the stolen work can be impounded and jail time. 

If you need more information on copyright please visit, https://www.copyright.gov/title17/ for more information.


I want this!

1 Game-ready model with 1k and 2k texture sets.

24 MB
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